Sunday, January 17, 2010

best ways to lose weight fast

TO lose weight it is always admirable to have determination to stay on the path of loosing weight rather try to find out different types of loose weight is always suggested to keep on the path already adopted,suggested by experts.some tips to lose weight are as follows.

1:first of all make the determination and ready to bear some tough circumstances that may arise during your process of loosing weight.

2:make a daily routine program and follow this each and every day till you get sufficeint weight loss

3:every day drink more and more water approx 6 to 8 litres a day.its water not juice ,drinking more water would make your kidney capable to flush waste inside your body.more water would metabolize fat more easily.try to take more water before having lunch or dinner.if possible try to drink ice cold water it would lose approx 65 calories.

4:take the breakfast as much as possible it would really protect you to absorb high dose lunch.but try to avoid any fatty dish in breakfast.

5:every day plan to go to gym and have some exercise it would also loose calorie in much amount.but avoid heavy gym equipment because you have to lose weight, not going to olympics.also heavy workout at there would enhance your appetite and all your deeds would get wasted .hence just exercise not gym.

6:try to have more whole grains(like brown rice). beware whole grains are different from refined grains(as white rice).because whole grains are more nutritious than refined grains as in refined grains certain vitamins are extracted during process.whole grains contains more fibres which would not create appetite frequently.

7:plan to have evening and morning walk daily.

8:do not skip lunch or dinner. your aim is to loose weight not get sick hence have all of them in bonded calorie.

9:skip every day measuring of weight.if you would do that it would create a type of frustration and tension in you.hence plan it every weekend.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

weight loss and weight loss techniques

Weight loss is reduction of whole body mass by the means of loss of fluid in form of fat or lean mass also known as bone minerals constituents .weight loss normally occurs when an individual is in the state of negative energy balance means when an individual consumes more energy than he gains.weight loss can be unintentional or intentional .unintentional which is caused by any body disease while intentional is done for reduction of obesity .Unintentional weight loss is due to poor management of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or in short IDDM ,which leads to over amount of glucose and insufficient amount of insulin in bloodstream. The IDDM stimulate release of triglyceride from the fat tissue and break down of amino acids in muscle tissues .The stimulation caused by IDDM creates both fat and lean mass loss which leads in reduction of whole body mass . in addition to the reduction in weight of body certain types of other diseases also caused like diabetes ,lack of fluid intake and fluid loss is responsible for creation of cachexia. Infection by HIV also creates weight loss by altering metabolism.overactive thyroid also creates weight loss which is a type of hormonal disruption.In recent research findings it is also found that fidgeting also cause weight loss.
Intentional weight loss is meant for improving body fitness to get better bodily look.for the person who are overweight by use of Therapeutic weightloss can decrease likelyhood of developing diseases like heart disease, diabetes ,high blood pressure strokes etc.
There are so many weight loss techniques have been invented to cure body fitness and maintaining good health like Therapeutic weight loss technique which is said to be least intrusive weight loss method and often recommended by the physicians it is nothing but balancing of day to day eating pattern to an individual generally in forms of exercise others method which are really not good but recommended are absorption of drugs and supplements which decrease hunger .
Crash dieting which means for restricted use of nutrition for more than 12 hours except water .the aim of this technique is to burn unwanted or execessive amount of fat in body having aim to reduce significant amount of body mass in short time .while crash dieting has been a poor technique in intentional weight loss field.
Intermittent fasting which is to abstain from food every alternate days.there are also many more ways to gain weight loss but all are not efficient and recommended.